+33 249 883 215


Share equipment

The need for productivity and sobriety leads to new behaviors. ShareMat offers a simple approach to sharing disptaching calendars between trusted partners.

Share data

In ShareMat, between stakeholders

  • The ShareMat solution is a private space for sharing documents, operating data and alerts to monitor equipment as closely as possible, with more efficiency.

  • Business collaboration in a trusted third-party space increase productivity and peace of mind.

  • The benefit is measured in saved days of technician and in reduced material downtime.


    Click on the image to enlarge !


    In public, with workers on site

    • With the ShareMat QR code function, you make information and documents visible (from the equipment) to anyone who needs it.

    • Equipment technical information, control (document and calendar), date of last maintenance, technical manuals, safety and user manuals.


    • This display is dynamic and is controlled from your ShareMat account.

    Click on the image to enlarge !


    Share equipments

    With the dispatching calendar

    • Fill in the calendar with the assignments of your equipment: when and how it is used.

    • Visualise all your fleet schedules, identify equipment availability and opportunities for dispatching.

    • Share calendars within your organisation and save days of  production.

    • Share calendars of all or part of the fleet with third parties, trusted partners… with Community

      Click on the image to enlarge !


      A quick démonstration ?